Adventures to Get into in Western Texas

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Western Texas isn't the top area many consider for a vacation: which is why it's the best place to go. Free of the massive tourism traps and huge crowds you'll find in more common vacation destinations and full of more fun and intrigue at affordable costs, it's a great idea for anyone to make a trip out to western Texas!

These are some of the best vacation destinations here, and why you should consider heading out soon!

Fall Asleep in a Bubble at Basecamp Terlingua

If you want to get the clearest view of the night sky possible while still safe within a structure that you can sleep in, there's nothing quite like the Bubbles at Basecamp Terlingua. This fun hotel experience allows you to enjoy air conditioning and heat, wifi, and almost everything else a regular hotel offers: while still giving you one of the most incredible views anyone could ask for. There are currently only seventeen bubbles that can be rented out, so it's worth a visit to enjoy an experience few others get in their lifetime. 

Keep An Eye Out for the Marfa Lights

Sometimes referred to as the Marfa Ghost Lights, this incredible phenomenon has been observed in the USA for over a hundred years. The best time to see them is right after dark, which can push as late as after 9:30 in the evening. These lights can range from red, blue, or white and appear and disappear randomly throughout the year. The closest explanation for them is that they're a mirage because of the sharp temperature gradients between warm and cold in the desert, but there's no definitive reason yet. 

Haunt Terlingua Ghost Town

There's nothing quite as West-Tex as a ghost town. The Terlingua Ghost Town was a hot mercury mining town, but when mercury stopped being sought after, the town dried up in the 1930s. In 1942, the mining company that kept most of the town filed for bankruptcy, and eventually, nobody stuck around to keep the town alive anymore. Exploring through here is an incredible experience, allowing you to get in touch with a time when people could strike it rich by digging.  

How To Pack For Your Visit

Western Texas is the driest part of the state and can reach scorching temperatures in the summer. When packing for this area, keep in mind the time of year you're visiting: before visiting, look at the weather ahead of time and try to plan your outfits around it.  

Although it gets hot in this area, if you’re looking at El Paso houses for sale, you don't have to worry about humidity. The thin air ensures you can still breathe and relax, even if the temperatures hit above the hundred-degree mark.  

Everyone Can Have a Great Vacation in Western Texas

Whether you're looking for the vacation of a lifetime or are wanting to try new things in Texas: you'll never find anything as incredible as West Texas. These are some of the best options for anyone; consider visiting soon! 

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