Make brushing more fun with Minions!

11:23:00 PM

One of the hardest thing I had to face every morning (if I don't have to go to work very early) is bathing my son. He is very moody when it's time to go to the bathroom. I can manage to wash his hair and put soap all over his body but brushing his teeth is something very challenging. He tends to close his mouth and cry his heart out once he sees me grab the toothbrush and toothpaste. 

So I decided to end this misery (oa lol) by thinking of a way to make him feel that it is fun to brush his teeth. Since, he loves Minions, I purchased a set of Colgate Minion Toothbrush and Toothpaste. From then on, he is always very patient when it's time to brush his teeth.

Have the same scenario at your home? Why not try what I did? Just purchase his/her favorite character themed toothbrush and toothpaste, online at Lazada.

You can pick the Minion Oral Care Pack suitable for your child's age: Kids 2-5 years old or Kids 5-9 years old. With just a click on this link, you can order the super cute Minion toothbrush and toothpaste and wait for it to be delivered right at your doorstep. Have a fun time brushing your teeth with the whole family minus the crying moments with Colgate Minion Oral Care Pack!

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